FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
Create more predictable cash flow and improve efficiency with Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payables. Benefits include lower processing costs and easier account reconciliation.
The Southside Bank Visa Business Credit Card offers cash rewards, no annual fee, and easy monitoring. You can also issue spend control for multiple users. Learn More.
Complete wire transfers online whenever you need to. We support Domestic Wire Transfers, Repetitive Wire Transfers, and International Wire Transfers with a foreign currency option.
We partner with Paychex to give you an affordable, full-service option for outsourcing payroll, HR, and employee-benefit administration. Learn more.
We can help create easier and more efficient processes, so you can focus on what really matters for the success of your business. Contact our dedicated Treasury Management team to get started.